6-Ingredient Healthy Peach Crisp

recipes sweets Aug 13, 2020

Of all the wonderful aspects of summer to adore, peaches are definitely up there on my list. To be honest, stone fruit of any sort will forever be my all-time favorite, and I have vivid childhood memories of scarfing them down one after another in my parents’ kitchen on hot summer afternoons.

Peaches specifically have a special place in my heart as we’d always pick up cases of them each summer in Fredericksburg, Texas on our drive back from summer camp. These days, living in Austin (not far from the Hill Country that’s famous for its peaches), I’m reminded of these sweet memories each time I stop by the grocery store or farmers market.

While I still often enjoy peaches on their own (and all stone fruit for that matter), I recently got a wild hair to make sweet treat for Sam and myself using these summertime favorites.

And while I was already feeling nostalgic, I just knew I had to throw together the dessert that we had most often growing up – a crisp. I swear my mom whipped up an apple version at least once a week growing up and was kind enough to let my sister and me “help.” AKA just make an enormous mess in the kitchen.

Yet in this case, as I do with most Goodness With G recipes, I took a dish that feeds my soul and made a few simple tweaks so it likewise feeds the body the right way as well.

So, I chose to swap out the flour, butter and brown sugar topping in our family recipe for a few simple and nutritious ingredients I already had sitting in my pantry. Nothing wrong with the real deal, by the way! I’m all about balance  .

In this version, though, almond flour, oats, maple syrup and coconut oil make the perfect, healthier alternative that’s so dang tasty I swear you’d never know the difference.

But don’t forget, peaches themselves actually boast some impressive health benefits as well. They’re rich in a variety of vitamins, minerals and beneficial plant compounds plus fiber to promote healthy digestion, glowing skin, heart health and more.

For more peach-packed recipes, be sure to check out my:

And in this recipe, don’t forget the cinnamon – my favorite superfood addition to basically any dessert for a little added spice! It’s loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties to help regulate blood sugar, protect against cancer, fight bacterial and fungal infections and even cut the risk of heart disease.

Y’all know I’m all about delicious, wholesome treats that take very little time to throw together, perhaps mostly because I’m a bit impatient. So you better believe that this recipe is no exception!

Slice your peaches, put together the crumble topping and bake until everything is perfectly golden brown and your kitchen smells like absolute heaven. And don’t hesitate to make this crumble your own with any additional fruits you love – cherries, blueberries and dried cranberries are some of my personal favorites.

Serve this simple, delicious crisp with a scoop of ice cream (because à la mode is never optional in my book), and you have your new favorite summer dessert for family get-togethers or just any old weeknight that needs a little sweetness!

Be sure to give me a shout if you give this summer classic a try by tagging me on social media @goodness_with_g!


YIELDS: 4 servings
PREP TIME: 10 mins
COOK TIME: 30 mins
TOTAL TIME: 40 mins
  • 4-5 ripe peaches
  • 1 cup almond meal
  • ½ cup rolled oats (gluten-free if desired)
  • ¼ cup maple syrup
  • 3 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • pinch of salt
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Slice peaches, and place in a small baking dish (I used an 8 x 6 inch).
3. To a bowl, add all of the remaining topping ingredients. Mix until everything is well-combined and crumbly.
4. Cover peaches completely with crumble mixture.
5. Bake for ~30 minutes, until the topping is golden brown and peaches have softened.
6. Best served warm with ice cream - enjoy! 

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